Career Education Logo in Color

Your Path to the Future

The Career Education options at Santa Rosa Junior College pave the way to fast growing, well-paid careers of the future and the present.

With a hands-on curriculum taught by professionals and shaped via Advisory Boards with industry leaders, you'll see that our classrooms mimic your next workplace down to the last detail.

  • Over 100 certificates are offered in a wide variety of programs
  • Industry-trained faculty and support staff
  • Flexible classes to balance work-school-home schedule
  • State of the art facilities 
  • Curriculum designed to improve job skills and marketability 

CE Program Advisory Committees

The Career Education Advisory Committees are made up of volunteers who agree to serve as advisors to one or more career education programs. Members include representatives from business, labor, community agencies, faculty, students and other members. The primary purpose of advisory committees is to provide direction and guidance for the specific career and technical area within the college to strengthen and enhance the success of college programs. By working closely with the business and labor communities, we continue to provide high quality workforce training and education to our students so they will succeed in today's job market.

The committees support and strengthen the partnership between business, labor, the community, and education. The committees make recommendations that will strengthen and help to expand the curriculum to improve the quality of program(s). Members provide valuable input in areas such as curriculum development, student recruitment and placement, staff development, equipment and software recommendations.


Goals and Objectives

Job opportunities:

  • Assist in surveying workforce needs and new and emerging occupations
  • Advise on the changing nature of the competencies in industry and career fields
  • Assist in gathering information for job placement of graduates
  • Inform the program of opportunities to place students in full-or part-time jobs

Facilities and program equipment:

  • Consult on existing equipment, facilities, and resources and compare with career norms
  • Consult on lab equipment and compare with the current and future technology and industry/profession standards
  • Consult on lab safety program

Course content:

  • Consult on the development of educational objectives
  • Review the program’s sequence and scheduling of courses and delivery options
  • Review and suggest content for courses of study and standards of proficiency in areas which are essential to becoming successfully employed in a career path

Instructional and learning experiences:

  • Identify or suggest resource personnel to enrich the instructional content
  • Assist in locating and obtaining equipment and supplies on loan, as gifts, or at special prices
  • Suggest qualified persons for needed instructor/personnel vacancies
  • Participate as a resource person to enhance the instructional process

Promoting education:

  • Participate in programs designed to promote career and technical education
  • Testify in support of career and technical education at meetings which may be called by local and state officials, boards, and legislative groups
  • Encourage other businesses to stimulate development of work experience programs
  • Build interest and understanding between the college and community and professional organizations